
11.6 – 25.6 Christelle Mas – Inside / Innanför / Sisällä

Publicerat den Kategoriserat som Tidigare utstallningar

Inside / Innanför /  Sisällä 

11-Jun – 25-Jun

Inside / Innanför /  Sisällä 

Christelle Mas

Exhibition of radiographs

Utställing av röntgenbilder

Röntgenkuvien näyttely

Vernissage 12.06 kl 17-19

“Maliciously attributing hostile intentions to food, Christelle Mas tries to see through it, like in her more playful series Aliments-dangers. She radiographs some fruits and vegetables in it, revealing the danger that we incur if we let them enter our living space. Each of them appears to be sly and aggressive: the pepper hides a knife; the pineapple, a revolver bullet and the cauliflower, a gun. The radiograph shows that food has a dimension that is normally completely unknown. This is an aspect that the human eye can only perceive with the help of technology. In the installation that shows this threat, the radiographs are exhibited as if they were going to be viewed and interpreted by a doctor: on light-boxes mounted on the wall at a certain height.”

Extract from the text of Benjamin Riadio, phd at the university of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne in philosophy of art.

Christelle Mas was born in 1984 in France and she lives and works in Finland. She is a graduate in Philosophy, Art Sciences and Plastic Arts. Since 2005, she has been researching on food, especially on its negative aspects, and used it as a topic for different videos, installations, poems and photos.

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